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Clipboard Cleaner
Instantly clear your clipboard content for privacy and security with just two clicks.
extension rocks
Edit and Resend: Ajax Request Debugger in Chrome DevTools
Enhance Chrome DevTools with a new tab. Edit and resend fetch() / XHR requests. Efficiently debug or test your web applications.
extension rocks
Google PageSpeed Insights Shortcut & Report History Recorder
Open current page in Google PageSpeed Insights. Track performance score with line chart and show all report history in table.
extension rocks
Pesticide for Chrome - The Complete Web Development Booster
Elevate your web development experience with Pesticide for Chrome – the ultimate tool for debugging layouts and mastering CSS!
extension rocks
Post-id Aside
Make quick note, memos, to-dos or reminders easily in side panel. Keep your daily work focused and well organized.
extension rocks
Show Password - Most Secure Password Viewer
Right click on password box & easily toggle dots to text. No permission abuse. No sneaky tracking code. No 3rd-party script.
extension rocks
Weather Now!
The best way to see the realtime weather temperature right in your browser based on your current location. Easier than any others.
extension rocks
What the font - Web Font Inspector
Identify web fonts and other font styles such as font family, size, weight, line height and color